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DSWD - SLP Scholarship

Sustainable Livelihood Program 

General Requirements and Procedures:

  1. You must be a Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) member. 

  2. Go to your Municipal Hall DSWD-SLP Office Desk, and look for the Project Development Officer (PDO).

  3. The PDO will validate and assess you and will give the requirements for you to accomplish.

  4. Once you completed the requirements and is qualified to be a DSWD - SLP Scholar, the PDO will identify which school you will undergo training. ATEC Technological College is an accredited institution by DSWD - SLP to provide training.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps):


RA 11310 states that 4Ps is the national poverty reduction strategy and a human capital investment program that provides conditional cash transfer to poor household for a maximum period of 7 years, to improve the health, nutrition and education aspect. The National Advisory Council (NAC) may recommend an extension under exceptional circumstances.


DSWD shall select qualified household beneficiaries using a standardized targeting system. A regular revalidation of beneficiaries will be done every three years.


Eligible beneficiaries are farmers, fisherfolks, homeless families, indigenous peoples, those in the informal sector, those in geographically isolated areas and those in areas with no electricity.


The conditional cash transfer will be given under the following scheme: P300 per month for a child in kindergarten and elementary school for a maximum of ten months per year; P500 per month for ten months for a child enrolled in junior high; P700 per month for ten months for every child enrolled in senior high school and a health and nutrition grant of P750.00 per month for 12 months per year.

All beneficiaries shall automatically be covered by the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP).


Every three years after the effectivity of this Act, the Philippine Institute Development Studies (PIDS) shall conduct an impact assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the program, the veracity of the list of household beneficiaries and the program implementation.


And every six after the effectivity of the same act, the PIDS shall recommend to the NAC whether the cash grants shall be adjusted.


To avoid suspension of the cash grant, the following conditions should be met by the beneficiaries:

  1. Pregnant women should avail of pre-natal services, give birth in a health facility attended by skilled health professional and should receive post-partum and post-natal care for her newborn;

  2. Children one to fourteen years old must avail of deworming pills at least twice a year;

  3. Children three to eighteen years old must have a school attendance of 85%;

  4. And at least one responsible person must attend family development sessions (FDS) conducted by the DSWD.



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Creating Competitive Students, Globally.

JIH Building Cagayan Valley Rd. Sta. Rita Guiguinto Bulacan, Philippines

(044) 306. 1404

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